The Green Life

Looking after yourself as a mom with Adele F. Smith

Episode Summary

Adele F. Smith, is the one of most energetic and positive people you will ever meet. She has come onboard today to discuss the importance for moms to take care of themselves whilst looking after their little ones! Keeping your sanity, keeping your joy and trying your best whatever your circumstances! Dropping guilt and expectations can open your mom's life to amazing things! Welcome Adele

Episode Notes

Adele F. Smith, is the one of most energetic and positive people you will ever meet. She has come onboard today to discuss the importance for moms to take care of themselves whilst looking after their little ones! Keeping your sanity, keeping your joy and trying your best whatever your circumstances! Dropping guilt and expectations can open your mom's life to amazing things!

Welcome Adele 


Adele F. Smith, is the one of most energetic and positive internationally accredited and certified Holistic Health Coaches, Motivational Speakers, Mindfulness Practitioners and Personal Trainers you’ll ever meet. With over 18 years of professional and personal experience she is known to many of her clients as the true badass body, mind and soul transformer!

Her passions lie in educating, inspiring and empowering women globally, on how and why we must drop the diet culture and adopt healthy relationships with food and lifestyle.

Adele not only teaches you how to cultivate the healthy habits and mindsets to attain  the body of your dreams but she ensures that you simultaneously achieve the mind of champion. While she does not believe in the “one plan for every man” approach, she does believe that we all hold the power within us, to be the best versions of ourselves, through intuition and holistic living. She believes everything is interconnected, what’s goes on in your mind and in your life, matters just as much as what’s going into your body.

Adele is committed to joy and plant-based living and through this, if you’re ready to feel replenished, empowered and energized in all areas of your life …. You are ready for Adele! 

She is not currently taking on new clients, as she is a full time mom, but shares amazing wisdom on her Instagram page @adelefsmith and is happy to answer questions there too.